I recently completed the facelift on my e38 and installed some Xenon headlights. Now I always get an error message: check low beam and chack turn signals, even though everything works perfectly. Does anybody know how I can code the lcm to recognize the new lights (and also how to reset the airbag light; during the upgrade I had to disconnect the side airbags and forgot to disconnect the battery...)
Or would it be the easiest to get a new (used) lcm and recode it to the car?
Thanks in advance for your input!
Hi do you have ncsexpert or?![]()
Navcoder works great for this. taps into your I-bus. you have to purchase the software to actually program the LCM.
Do you have DIS, SSS, or NCS Expert installed? If using SSS, go to the retrofits menu and then look for xenons. Retrofit it. After that's done, go back into the coding menu, and recode your LCM. Your xenons should work now. I think the process is similar in DIS - I never used it for coding (I like SSS more)
If using NCS Expert, recalculate your ZCS so that option code 0522 is added (I posted links to ZCS Decoder/Encoders in another thread here). Write that ZCS to the car, and then recode the LCM in a profile without fsw/psw manipulation enabled. This is basically the process SSS and DIS do behind the scenes when you click the buttons described above.
Last edited by TerraPhantm; 08-19-2010 at 12:01 AM.
Interesting. I disabled cold monitoring PSW and that works and iff I unplug the HID bulb behind the ballast while on it still detects low beam failure. But I am going to try the retrofit option.
Last edited by joako; 08-19-2010 at 02:06 AM.
Thanks, I'll try that when my car arrives here. So going through the retrofit section in SSS would be the easiest way "coding for dummies" so to speak(I am kind of new to the software section so I tried to avoid steps that allow me to completely screw up the system
I just tried this and you need to install the headlight aim control otherwise it will fail if you try in DIS/SSS and in NCS if you change your SA and process car it will give an error but probably disable the warning messages and it could give headlight errors for the missing aim control.
This could be a switch it seems, a small rotary one.
^ Dude, do some research on here, read up and become familiar with INPA DIS SSS etc.
oh yea, i forgot you guys have the MIDs in the cluster. the same error is there on the e46 but the cluster doesn't throw any lights. you should be able to disable the warning through NCS (tho I guess you're in no better a position than before). if you do ever retrofit the autoleveling, it's possible you'll need a new LCM - my car's is missing a controller for the stepper motors.
When I coded the Xenon SA it is looking for the vertical headlight control module. The DJ Auto lights come with the motor but you still need the control module, sensors and wiring. So the best way is leave the ZCS alone and change this:
KaltUberwachung = Cold Monitoring System
AL = AbblendLicht = low beam light
Set that to nicht_aktiv also - it makes it so that the headlights don't turn off while turning the car on. BMW sets it that way for all cars equipped with HIDs from the factory.
I have e39 LCM III I think CI 16 and I don't see that option.
I don't see it either... it might be under a completely different name, or maybe BMW changed it later on as a way of prolonging the life of the igniters.
Thanks, I'll look at that once my car is back here with me in Good Old Germany![]()
BTW do you know from to of your head what the latest compatible LCM is? If heard that depending on production date you might not be able to switch to a newer one at all. Then on e38.org in one retrofit I saw somebody mention a LCM IV, but I've never seen one (I think it is supposed to come of an X5 or something like that...)
Actually it is there for some reason I had 4kb incomplete FSW_PSW.trc file, so I was not looking at the right thing.
About the LCM, I am not too sure on LCM II vs III vs IV but I think you have LCM II? I have LCM III coding index 16 in 02/1998 E39. All I really know depending on the C.I. there could be features not yet implemented.
Regardless of how KL50_ABSCHALT_AL is set my low beam lights stay on while the car is starting I left KL50_ABSCHALT_FL (high beams) on and turned KL50_ABSCHALT_AL off and turned on the high and low beam lights and started the car. Everything stays on. Double checked it is LCM CI 16.
Last edited by joako; 08-20-2010 at 09:31 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
OK, now that my car is back in Germany and I finally got all the software to run (or at least so I think) I wanted to go ahead and start with resetting the airbag light. At the moment I am still waiting for an USB / serial port adapter so I decided to revive an "old" Dell Latitude laptop that has a serial port built in.
So I installed INPA, changed the path under the variables and ran the OBDsetup.exe
Then I connected the Laptop via OBDII to the car and started INPAipo.
When the options to select the car /model show up I see that the battery is on (black dot) and ignition is off (white dot).
Next after selecting the e38 > body > airbag I get a screen with an error message:
"Variant Checking: IFH-0009:NO RESPONSE FROM CONTROLUNIT. Program will be stopped."
Does anybody know what went wrong / where I may have missed something during setup? To me it seems like some type of connection issue, but since the battery appears as on and not off it seems that a connection is there... (Do I maybe have to change the port [I read something about that in regards to the USB cables...]
Thanks in advance for your input!![]()
19IFH-0009: NO RESPONSE FROM CONTROLUNITEDIABAS_IFH_0009Meaning:The ECU is not connected or does not respond.
Causes:The ECU is not connected (or not properly).
The ECU is not supplied with voltage.
The ECU is addressed with a wrong address.
The ECU parameters are incorrect (concept, times, etc.).Error correction:Check the error causes above.
Target system:WIN SCO QNX
Looks like the software is looking for an ignition signal.
Does this mean that I actually have to turn the engine on (So I need two black dots, one for battery and one for ignition, correct?)? I thought just to turn the key would be enough...
(I also I have heard that sometimes you have to "fully" charge the battery, do you know what I can do to rule this out as a potential error?)
Last edited by mein 7ner; 10-05-2010 at 09:21 AM.
Key in position 2 should be enough. If it requires an ignition signal, I think you're going to have to modify your cable a bit since most have found that their 20-pin adapter doesn't have the wiring for the ignition detect
I do have both, the 20-pin adapter and the regular OBDII cable. However, so far I have only tried the OBDII (so do I still have to modify it and if so how?).
I just tried it again. This time I did not even get the black dot for battery and instead of the 0009 error message I get a similar one with 0003.
Any thoughts?
(I think 0003 has something to do with the cable connection. I first connected the car to the laptop, then I started INPA and then I turned on the ignition [I also tried it with ignition on first and then starting INPA+ double checking the cable connection... I am a bit lost here])
Last edited by mein 7ner; 10-05-2010 at 02:31 PM.