Lets see 'em.
95 840Ci, Calypso Red/Silver, 83k - 99 740i, Black/Black, 185k, Alpina Mods - 01 740i, Titanium/Silver, 40k, Sport Pkg
Complete Turnkey Diagnostic/Programming systems available...PM for details.
http://www.8Coupe.com - Please register, spot, and help the project.
Last edited by olinjohnston; 01-04-2011 at 03:29 AM.
Last edited by moomba; 01-04-2011 at 05:40 AM.
Pictures on the dock as Bill picked up the Alpina. Finally the Government has granted permission, and the importation process is underway - can't wait!!
Just got mine! Getting tinted soon.
congrats very nice looking
Drove the 840Ci up to Lake Tahoe between Christmas and New Years for a mini-vacation.
We got about, oh, 2.5 ft of snow while we were there. Temps down to -8F (-22C).
After watching the winter testing video on youtube I was expecting to have no problems. I however had a number of issues due to the cold - doors kept freezing shut, windows kept freezing shut preventing the downward movement required to open the door, seat heaters went on the fritz, passenger heater valve froze shut (freed once car warmed), windshield washer jets froze. Stuff like that. When the temp was above about 10 or 15F stuff seemed to work ok.
The traction was horrible even with chains, but that is due to the tires and nothing to do with the car. The traction control was real handy to prevent sliding around.
It was fun time though, even with the annoying problems. Despite BMW's winter testing, i'm quite sure they didn't expect people to be driving these cars in extreme winter conditions.
Normally I dont stray to much out of the E34 section.But I was browsing the forums the other day and upon seeing your car it literally got me thinking if I sell the 540 get a second job and maybe drive cross country to get a good one I could have a car as sweet as your ride is.Your car is simply amazing man........
But on another note do you guys probably have a hell of a time trying to locate parts dont you?They only made my car for 3 years in this engine combo and i cant get parts for nothing.I always got to special order everything.
Last edited by lovinlyfe4dub; 01-10-2011 at 09:56 PM.
95 540i Tuned To LvL 100