View Full Version : F.S. M10 intake and Header

11-29-2005, 11:39 PM
TEP 1.5' header with O2 bung already installed, never even put on motor, comes with gasket. $140 obo

TEP Air intake with K&N filter, never used $110 obo

If you need any odds and ends let me know i have had a couple e21's

11-30-2005, 01:45 AM
I would definitely take that header for 140 bucks shipped to Canada. I can use the little bit of extra horsepower for my 83. Is that header just cheap metal style, or is it decent in quality?

11-30-2005, 03:17 AM
From what I've seen, TEP headers look to be the best value for the E21. 38" long 1.5" primarys, 2.5" dia collector, constructed of 14 gage steel. You won't find that anywhere else for 3 times the price. I was going to buy one last summer but decided to go ahead with the turbo project instead. I have a pic on my computer at work, I'll try to post it tomorrow.

Edit: Primary length is 36", not 38"

11-30-2005, 07:30 AM
If he doesnt take it lemme know i'll buy the header. - chris

11-30-2005, 01:28 PM
From what I've seen, TEP headers look to be the best value for the E21. 38" long 1.5" primarys, 2.5" dia collector, constructed of 14 gage steel. You won't find that anywhere else for 3 times the price. I was going to buy one last summer but decided to go ahead with the turbo project instead. I have a pic on my computer at work, I'll try to post it tomorrow.

After reading this, I definitely want this header. I will be doing a Meqasquirt conversion soon and want to get rid of the stock manifold. I had hopes for a turbo conversion, but only half of my kit came and it was a useless package. I was supposed to get everything to plumb a turbo and all I eventually got was a blow off valve, a small elbow for the intake, some oil lines and nuts and bolts, etc. If I only got the turbo manifold I'd be ecstatic, but no I get the useless stuff.

Please pm me with your preferred method of payment.

11-30-2005, 02:47 PM
Hey chris if you go to 2002performance.com you can find some other cool e21 parts including the header but, you will have to have it shipped from Cali. it's a little more expensive but, i like their stuff.

11-30-2005, 04:42 PM
not thread jacking, but does anyone know how an anti-reversion header works on our cars. I've seen them on ebay and kinda wondered.
P.S. I'd consider getting the intake if I A: had money and B: weren't going to do an EFI conversion.

11-30-2005, 06:34 PM
Anti-reversionary headers in general work very, very well. At least when made well they do. I have several older books from the 1980s with all kinds of dyno and fuel consumption data that showed them to be better than conservative diameter headers for low end and mileage, and as good as large diameter headers for power.

I have had several headers on my old motorcycle - a Honda Hawk GT. Stock, stock modified, stock with slip on, Two Brothers stepped, Two Brothers large diameter, M4, etc etc etc. The 2Bros large dia was an early racing design that had a nasty flat spot in the low-mid range under light to medium throttle openings that could NOT be jetted around. It was made for racing and HP so this was not a concern in the original design. They came up with the stepped design when it was sold for the street and then stopped the orig design altogether. It lost a few hp on top, but the midrange was fine.
I had an early large dia header and wanted to try the anti-reversionary design in it, so I did. Totally erased the hole in the powerband, and I had to go down one step in main jet sizes.

There are a million different opinions on design and theory, but I have had great luck with the good designs over the years (not so much the "stepped" ricer headers out now) but the Cyclone AR headers on Porsches, VWs etc from back in the day really work well.

11-30-2005, 06:54 PM
thanks, not discounting your opinion but I'll wait for Ken to confirm this. It can't hurt to have one guy who knows it from experience, and another who makes headers.

11-30-2005, 06:58 PM
This is the email and pic I received from Steve at Top End:

Actual current price is $149 on this header...
36" primaries and a 2.5" collector with a slip joint reducer that will
take it down to 2" if needed.

I was looking for a 2.5" collector so I could run 2.5" exhuast. According to the info Ken has on his web site, with the 36" primarys the power would be tuned around 5500 rpm on my motor (exhaust valve opens at 71 deg BBDC on my 280 deg cam, also taking into account a couple inches exhaust port length added to primary length) which is good for the way I drive.

11-30-2005, 08:06 PM
Its hard to argue with $149, but that collector is complete crap, and the number 4 port exit looks awful. The collector could be swapped out easily enough, but the #4 primary would be hard to change. Not the end of the world obviously, and for the money still a good value.

11-30-2005, 08:17 PM
thanks, not discounting your opinion but I'll wait for Ken to confirm this. It can't hurt to have one guy who knows it from experience, and another who makes headers.

Point taken. BTW, Ken isn't the only one to make headers and exhausts, though I am sure he is much more experienced at it and his results may be prettier than mine have been.

I have spent WAY too many hours reading all kinds of books about all kinds of tuning and spent entirely too many hours on the flow bench experimenting with odd ball stuff and normal stuff. Some of the best times have been hanging out with "old guys" and talking and talking about different engine aspects - most fun I had on the salt flats was spending a whole night with Dean Lowry, Bob Stahl, and a bunch of others.

You want interesting - check out the design of 2 stroke expansion chambers. That is my latest project.

11-30-2005, 08:45 PM
I know Ken isn't the only one to make headers and exhausts, he was just the one I'd ask about anything related to exhauts.
2 stroke expansion chambers, hmm, I want to go up to a Yamaha 100cc after a season or 2 of Briggs, then after that, maybe a shifter? So, if you do a write up, I'd be much thankful to get a copy.
P.S. I spent most of the time at my first 12 Hours of Sebring (this year) hanging out with guys from CDOC, a racing supplies company.

11-30-2005, 09:21 PM
greg, where are you gettingf this info on the expansion chambers for the 2 strokes???
My father has been building two strokes for 40 years, mostly Karts and racing bikes, and I would like to get him a book or two for christmas, exhausts and porting 2 strokes are his passion.....had a 14,000rpm rotax 100cc screamer at his shop last time.

11-30-2005, 09:36 PM
I wouldn't doubt the screamer part. The new Rotaxes are fast. Especially the new RM1, spec kart, 125cc water cooled single cylinder, 13000 max RPM, 2 speed with electronic shift, it shifts quick, I think I saw somewhere it said as fast as an M3 SMG. The RM1 can do about 110, but they are only about...$5500.

12-01-2005, 12:03 AM
For 2 strokes, there are a few good books out there, a few software programs, and several websites that all have theories and figures that don't entirely jive. The important thing to take away from them is the knowledge - or the point that the angles or lengths of different parts of the chamber do certain things. It is also a lot easier to start with a chamber that is OK and modify it severely than make one from scratch. Although, I will be making mine from scratch because I have no other choice...

Here's a couple starters.





12-01-2005, 12:25 AM
Its hard to argue with $149, but that collector is complete crap, and the number 4 port exit looks awful. The collector could be swapped out easily enough, but the #4 primary would be hard to change. Not the end of the world obviously, and for the money still a good value.
I agree, the collector may not be the best, but it looks as good as the Stahl or Bavauto header to the tune of $350. And like you said, its easy enough to swap a collector.

04-15-2007, 11:26 PM
i was wondering if you still had that cold air intake, and if so maybe you could post a pic of it. Thanks