View Full Version : People I F**ked Up!!! Important Please Read!!

11-19-2003, 05:32 PM
Recently I posted that I found a good company who sells high flow cat's for BMW's. The name of the company is Caribou Imports in Laguna Hills California (they had an old address in Lake Forest, CA). THIS COMPANY ROBBED ME!!!!!!. They disappeared! The guy I spoke to named Ed seemed like a nice guy but was in fact a player! I wish I could fly to CA, find this guy and hurt him bad. They took my money and ran. I never got my cat! I tried calling them today only to find a disconnected number. I searched and found other companies, who are in fact this jerks neighbors, and had them check to see if he was there. This Caribou had 2 addresses. They found an empty building with a for lease sign on it at the Laguna address, and a coffee shop on the Lake Forest address. I appoligize for a bad post. This was the original link I posted.


Hey! Is there any of my fellow BMW brothers living in or by Laguna Hills California that can drive by this place to see if he is really gone? This is the address 23552 Commerce Center Drive, Suite R Laguna Hills, CA 92653-1514
This was the number 1-800-776-3136
There old address was 26804 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630 (same 800 number and a 949-770-3136 number-which has a weird busy tone)
This would be helpful to me. If no one cannot,.. no problem my friends. Thanks and again I appoligize!

Mafia D

11-19-2003, 05:38 PM
That sucks man.... I'll drive by both places on my way home today and check for you. If they're still there, I'll throw a brick through the window for you:D . I'll let you know what happens.......

11-19-2003, 05:49 PM
holy crap dude, call the police!!!

11-19-2003, 05:51 PM
MPWRCP... That is great of you!!!!! I can't even describe in words how much I appreciate that! I need just to know for sure what is going on over at those 2 addresses, and why I got screwed. My friend,.. if your ever in NY or need something in NY done, give me a shout. Thanks!

Mafia D

11-19-2003, 05:54 PM
extremeM3... I don't know if calling the police would help. Im all the way across the US in NY. This guy who stole from me (and many others I'm sure) is probally long gone setting up somewhere else. I called my card company and canceled, though they said that the money he took from me was gone. Thats probally the most I can do now. Thanks for the concern my friend.

11-19-2003, 06:01 PM
Sorry to hear that.

Take legal action, I'm sure a paper trail could lead you to them some how.

Were you just doing research and stumble upon them?

Make sure that scammer pays, you and I will feel a lot better.

11-19-2003, 06:38 PM
Pong.. I don't know if it would easy to trace him. All I got for his name is ED and were the address was. My card company is sending me dispute papre work. Hopefully I will see something on it. Yes, I was looking at different BMW catalytic converter websites, and I seen his website at the bottom of one of those Nextag-Dealtime websites. I clicked on it, read it, and called him. I felt convinced to order. Now here I am screwed. We should all be careful about these website comapnies (though it is so hard to tell if they are crooks). Thanks for your concern my friend.

11-19-2003, 06:57 PM
Mafia D, did you pay by credit card?

If you did, don't worry, they'll get your money back. The seller has to prove that he sent the product, etc.

11-19-2003, 07:05 PM
rupes001.... Yes I did, though they may not be able to find him. I know they're doing an immediate investigation on this. I was so syked about getting a high flow cat for a good price, but when I put things together into perspective, I realized I was played. So stressed that I had to leave work early to go home and cool down. Thank my friend.

11-19-2003, 07:09 PM
Maybe the guy just legitimately went out of business. It happens. I think a scam selling imaginary high flow cats wouldn't make much money, so if he is a scammer there should be some other people he has ripped off selling other non-existent stuff. Try and find them through BBB.

If he just went out of business, you can try to get a judgement against him, but you're not likely to recover much if anything. You'll just go into the list of unsecured creditors.

If it wasn't a real business (not incorporated) and just some guy, you may be able to get a personal judgement against his assets.

Good luck.

11-19-2003, 07:16 PM
All I can say is...that SUCKS!! But dude, nobody can just disappear....give the credit card company some time and they WILL find him and you will get your money back. Make sure the credit card company knows exactly what happened to you and keep on calling them to see what they are doing to get your money back :)

11-19-2003, 07:18 PM
RobH... He's definitely a scammer. I now have been searching on the web, his company name Caribou Imports Inc.. I found a sit were there is a forum of people who are letting other people know about this bad company. I have the site saved at my job. If you go to the link I originally left for the company, you will see that they are not just about cats, but they are about convertable tops, cleaners, mats, they mainly specialize with Fiats and Alfa Romeo's. Actually I found the link:


They are scammers.
Thanks my friend.

11-19-2003, 07:19 PM
Heres another guy who got screwed!...


11-19-2003, 07:28 PM
phillyb321... Yea, I am going to work on it. One way or another I will get an answer. Thanks.

11-19-2003, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Mafia D
extremeM3... I don't know if calling the police would help. Im all the way across the US in NY. This guy who stole from me (and many others I'm sure) is probally long gone setting up somewhere else. I called my card company and canceled, though they said that the money he took from me was gone. Thats probally the most I can do now. Thanks for the concern my friend.

Best thing you can do is contact the FBI office in california. Give them a ring, speak to a detective. Like others have said.. create a paper trail. The police have the power to subpeona whomever to find out where that fucker went with your money. Dude, get them good. ESPECIALLY if you're not the only one. Anything we can help you out with, let us know. :)

11-19-2003, 09:45 PM
They don't have to "find him" to do a chargeback and credit your account, that's the whole reason for using a credit card. The credit card company's money is gone, not yours.

11-19-2003, 11:47 PM
Mafia -- Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Anyway, your buddies are NOT gone......yet. There was nobody home when I finally made it by, but they are still there at the Laguna Hills address. Through the window I couldn't see a phone number but the sign on the wall said Caribou. All I could get was the # for whoever is leasing the building, it is 1-949-454-7662, maybe they can help you out. Good luck man. -Dave.

11-19-2003, 11:50 PM
if you put it on a credit card make sure you call and claim fraud. that way he might actually get caught.

(ps. always do big internet purchases with a credit card)

11-20-2003, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by bimmer95
They don't have to "find him" to do a chargeback and credit your account, that's the whole reason for using a credit card. The credit card company's money is gone, not yours.

Exactly. You will be getting your money back. The credit card company will put their fraud team onto this guy, but you'll get your money back either way.

11-20-2003, 02:07 AM
what a big hassle... hope you get your money back

11-20-2003, 03:44 AM
I'm in the area too, my work is right by there. I can swing by at lunch on friday and have a little chat with them, if you would like. Anything specific you would like me to say to them?

sorry to hear about your troubles, I'll help you in any way possible, short of killing anyone.

11-20-2003, 06:06 AM
MPWRCPE..... My friend THANKS!!!!!!! I am going to try that number today. I appreciate what you did for me! It means alot to me! I owe you one bro!

SilverBeam... Thanks my friend. What MPWRCPE seen, I think they might have cleared out already. I will try the building lease number today. I don't know if swinging by at lunch time may be different, maybe it might. If you do go by and see someone (ask for ED) ask him what is his story, there are many people out there that he screwed! Thanks my friend.

Everyone else... I am going to receive a fraud claim from my credit card company soon. As of now, the credit caed is cancelled, and a new one is being issued. You are all a group of great people. I feel like we have our own worldwide MAFIA going! Thanks my friends!!!

11-20-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Mafia D
\. I feel like we have our own worldwide MAFIA going! \

that's because we do :stickoutt

11-20-2003, 10:50 AM
My partners, check out what I found today.. 2 special links!... His name is Edward Perlowsky

Type Caribou Import in the find Company Yellow Area at the top right after you click the link below



Im going to probally call the Los Angeles FBI soon, to investigate this crook. He screwed a ton of people who own Alfa Romeo's and Fiats. He takes the money from our credit cards and never sends the items, when you try calling him, its impossible. I'll get him.

11-20-2003, 11:12 AM
Business Started: 08/01/81
File Open Date: 05/25/99
Last Report Date: 06/18/03
Principal Contact: Ed Perlowsky

Sounds like he's been doing this for a while.

It'll be nice if you can shut him down!

11-20-2003, 11:17 AM
He's also a home owner, find the county auditor's website and it should be too hard to find his home address.... or see if you can get it from his home owners' association, http://www.lf2.org/Board/pdfs/Board%20Agenda%20031001.pdf

11-20-2003, 12:06 PM
BTW--They have NOT cleared out, and it looks like they're in no hurry to do so.

11-20-2003, 12:11 PM
with the feedback and support you're getting from everyone here - this guy is toast

I just hope he drops the soap a few times when they lock him up. :ky::redspot

11-20-2003, 12:25 PM
MPWRCPE.... You drove by again and seen that there were parts/people inside? Did you see any parts in there? The more and more I search on the web, Im finding out more and more about this Ed Perlowsky. Did you see a fax machine in there, cause Ive been faxing him notes since yesterday. This is getting very interesting! I sent a bogus email (from my job) saying I need some convertable tops for fiats, he actually replied saying that "they" can help. He had another phone number 949-770-9920 (which is unlisted, no where to be found, and it just keeps ringing). Im going to keep trying the number. This guy definitely has a long history of robbing customers. I'll get him! Thanks my friend!!!!!

Themadhatter... Yes the support is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! It's like having family all overthe world (for me growing up in an New York Italian family) I appreciate everyones help!!!!!!!

11-20-2003, 12:32 PM
Call the local police and send THEM over instead of a bunch of BF members, then you might actually get somewhere.

11-20-2003, 12:37 PM
bimmer95.... your totally right!

My friends who are driving by this place, do not knock your self out. I may call the local police to have them check this place out. I am very grateful for what you guys did for me!

11-20-2003, 12:46 PM
Let's hope for an arrest :)

11-20-2003, 12:51 PM
I'd print off as many of those emails/posts from his victims as you can find along with any information you have and offer to fax it to the PD. Best to ask to speak to a detective too, a dispatcher probably wouldn't give a crap.

11-20-2003, 01:03 PM
My Friends I GOT HIM!!!! I investigated, I found his home address and phone number. I called him and asked if this is Edward from Caribou, he asked what is this about. I asked him again, he became crazy over the phone. He said he does not conduct business over the phone at home. He said call to call him at work in a 1/2 hour. I said "Ive been calling all week!!! You 800 line is disconnected and the main line has a constant fast busy tone!! I was told you shut down" he said " Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ive been in business for 22 years". I said "then whats up with the for lease sign on your door" He said "I dont deal with walk in customers, I never had a chance to take it off" I said "You had 22 years to take the sign off!!!" He gave me that new number (that keeps ringing and then hangs up) He was scared that someone found him. So, I will wait 1/2 hour to 45 minutes and I will call this prick! If there is no answer, then I am calling the local police!

Thanks Everybody!!!!! I'll take care of this from here!!!!!!!!

11-20-2003, 01:08 PM

11-20-2003, 01:11 PM
This is awesome that you were able to get to this prick! If I may make a suggestion, begin documenting everything you can about the event, attempts to contact, what he said, what you said, etc, BEFORE you start forgetting the details. A detailed record will help the police do their job in getting this guy locked up, and will help in a civil suit, if it comes to that. Good luck!

11-20-2003, 02:35 PM
Alright, I called him at this new number he gave me and he picked up the phone. I talked as if I were just a normal customer checking status. He said its shipping today and is in the FedEx batch (should have shipped over a week ago when I originally ordered and he said it would ship). He then said that I should see it by this Saturday. I then made sure he had my email address to email me a tracking number. I made him repeat my email address (as I recorderd the converation -Yes!!!) So I will wait to see what happens.

Again, Thank you everyone for all of your support!!!!!!!!!!1

11-20-2003, 03:44 PM
No problem brutha!!!:D

11-21-2003, 06:11 PM
My friends, I finally got what I needed.... I have this guy giving me the full credit back to my credit card. I recorded him on my phone saying that he will give me the credit, and I had him email me saying he was giving me the credit back. This came about when I contacted him for the tracking number today, he said (laughing) "I just got in (at 1pm Pacific Time? BullS**T!) , I will email you the number (which Ive been waiting for for days-Lier!). I said "No, I want it over the phone right now" He said "Then you will have to wait 15 minutes" I said "I'll hold" and I did. He then came back and said (out of the blue) "I called Fedex and I am having them bring the cat back to me! (What the???). I issued a credit of the full amount back on your card" I said "Well, what was the tracking number?" He said "Dont worry about it" Plus I remeber when he said I would have received the cat on Saturday by Fed ex, Fedex does not deliver on Saturday unless you do a special $$$ delivery! Anyway, I have all I need (for myself and my credit card company). I want to personally thank everyone for the support, and my fellow CA's for driving by!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!1

11-24-2003, 09:37 AM
so basically after this big mess the fool is washing his hands of the issue?

at least you're getting away with only a headache, call up the BBB for their mailing address and send them a nice letter about his company.


11-25-2003, 11:39 AM
You should still call the local PD & let them know that a fraudulent business is operating out of that building...

11-25-2003, 04:56 PM
No, he refunded me the total amount. I checked my credit card today for the transaction. It went through, everything is fine. I just want to end it at this point. Again, Thanks all!